ADHD and Trauma
Designed to help clinicians in determining whether or not a child is experiencing symptoms and reactions related to a traumatic experience or ADHD, this course explores the many obstacles such as the overlapping symptoms and common etiology of the two disorders. The course begins with overviews of typical PTSD and ADHD diagnoses, discussing the etiology of both ADHD and PTSD in children. In addition, the course will present extensive research that has been conducted on the relationship between maltreatment and ADHD. Lastly, specific assessment recommendations and a case example support the importance of being trauma informed and providing comprehensive assessments to all children. Course consists of video segments, included reading and final test. CEs included.
Learning Objectives:
- Participants will be presented with the challenges that ADHD and PTSD diagnoses present.
- Participants will be able to discuss research related to the proposed and often controversial etiology of both ADHD and PTSD.
- Participants will be able to identify at least 3 assessment limitations when diagnosing ADHD and PTSD.
- Participants will learn how to provide the best assessment and interventions for children exhibiting both ADHD and PTSD symptomotology.
Course Creator/Instructor: Dr. Caelan Soma
Please Note:
This course takes approximately 6-hours to complete. You do not have to complete it in one sitting. Once you purchase this course you will have access to it for 1-year (365 days). You must complete it in that time period. You may renew it for another year for an additional fee if necessary.